Media Technology Projects


Previs Pro is a storyboard app developed by Ghostwheel. Sort of built like a video game, the app takes away the necessity for a storyboard artist. Many content creators, especially indie filmmakers need storyboards to support their process but do not have the funds to hire someone to do it. Previs Pro is a more affordable, flexible option. 

I was a production consultant and tester for the development of the app. I collaborated with the developers to create the most efficient, intuitive, and comprehensive version possible. I ended up testing its practicalities with a short film, Dream Intervener. The purpose of the development of the film was to see how well the storyboard’s specs could match up to the real actors, lenses, and camera - as well as communicate expectations to the crew. It was a massive success.

Flint is a Place, Interactive Map Police Scanner

Created by the Directors of the incredible documentary series, Flint Town (2018, Netflix), this map creates an interactive experience for an individual trying to get a sense of the level of crime in Flint on a regular day. It was immensely rewarding to work on this project since I am originally from Flint, and grew up knowing the volume of crime was too high to ever call the police. They infamously take hours to arrive onsite, even if someone has been killed. This device can give the viewer a perspective on the overwhelm, the avalanche effect.

My task for this project focussed on audio. We had about a thousand bits of audio snippets that needed to be strung together to match the specific incidents. The production entailed hours of intense listening, organizing, troubleshooting, and emotionally processing the content. It was deeply challenging but an immense privilege to be a part of the project.

Commercial, On Set Carbon Emissions Calculator

After the Flint Water Crisis, I began to take an interest in systems of infrastructure, and Global Climate Change. I took an Environmental Science course at the University of Michigan before I transferred to NYU. I became sort of obsessed with the impossible calculations of carbon footprints. Little did I know, the extensive notes I took in that class would become super useful when I was in house at a commercial production company. One of the values of the company was reducing the carbon footprint on set, but how is this done without a way to calculate the damage?

Thus I invented a specific Carbon Emissions Calculator for commercial/short form content shoots. It’s tailored for the needs of my previous company, but easily could be developed to accommodate a longer form project such as a film or TV series. The main categories are waste, electricity, fuel, and air travel. Those figures are then transformed into terms that folks in the industry, or average folks anyway, can comprehend so that one could really get a sense of the carbon footprint and where a team/project can improve their practices.


Writing & Publications


Social Media